Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Best Technique to Dissolve Negative Emotions and Patterns.

This is the best technique I know that helps to dissolve negative patterns and emotions. Usually, negative things make us feel bad and we prefer not to think about them, ignore them completely. But sweeping them under the rug doesn't dissolve them. They keep coming up. This technique allows you to accept the negative emotion first, not only in yourself, but in your family line, dissolve it and then install a new positive feeling in it's place.

1. Lie down comfortably. Place one hand on your belly and your other hand on the middle of your chest.
Say "I accept _________ (your negative emotion here). For example, "I accept my anger". 

2. Keep accepting, say "I accept that anger is a part of my personal history". The instances when you were angry may come up, just watch them, keep accepting them. Let the energy flow freely, it may bring more instances not only from this incarnation but from the past ones as well.
(At this point you may ask for assistance of Divine helpers: "All Beings of Love-Light, under the Law of Grace please help me. Transmute emotion of anger, all it instances in my entire being, in my every incarnation, in every direction of time and space. So it is done." Repeat the request 3 times.)

3. "I accept that anger was a part of history of my family line, starting from the very first instance". Now you will be able to see your relatives having similar problems and understand that partially you learned anger from them. Keep accepting it. (You may ask Divine helpers to help your family members as well, just use the request above stating "for all members of my family line, who want this help and transformation."

4. " I accept that this pattern of anger helped my family line to survive". This may sound ridiculous, but during the process, you understand that it's true. Here is a hypothetical example - an angry man was able to protect himself from an enemy, survive and continue a family line.

5. " I accept that the emotion of anger WAS part of my family line and I have nothing to worry about any longer".

6. Now we start letting go of this emotion. State  "I am not my emotions and instinct. I am not an emotion of anger that I experience." (This implies that in Truth you are a being of pure Love-Light and not a distorted energy of a negative emotion.)

7. "I accept that I don't need to choose to feel emotion of anger in any life situations."

8. "I accept that I can choose to feel ______, (new positive feeling here) in every life situation". State desired feeling, for example, peace, love, or neutrality, kindness, what the best suits you.

8. " I ask my body and the Universe to activate in me this new positive feeling. Start feeling them, let them flow through you system.

9. Now, observe what you feel. If you are feeling only positive feelings, the work is done. If another negative emotion came up, start dealing with it again, starting with #1. If you don't have time, just write it down and come back to it later.

I am very thankful to the healer who introduced me to this technique. I use is every time I am aware of negativity in me and it works miraculously.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program.

In these changing times there is a lot of help available from Ascending Masters. Under the Law of Grace they help us to move forward. This is Master Djwhal Khul who assists will elimination of fear. I read that a human being is born only with two fears: fear of heights and of a loud noise. All other fears are taught to us. If you are ready to let go of fears, just ask this Master.

DJWHAL KHUL (sometimes known as the Tibetan) Ascended Master of the 2nd Ray. The Divine Master of the Inner Plane Ashrams.

Dispensations: The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program (This program is a forty foot high lattice work shield of light and protection that the Divine Masters anchor over your body so they can draw out of your being anything that is stopping you from achieving your highest divine potential). The 2nd Ray Light Quotient Building Program (this program acts like a drip systems that when you ask for this at night time or during the day the masters drip pure light into your entire being)

Prayers for Dispensations:
Mighty I AM I call forth by the grace of God Djwhal Khul for anchoring and activation of the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and I ask that I am permanently placed on this program from now until I fully ascend. SO IT IS DONE. x 3 times

from The Healing Sphere Blog

Bad Girl Eve

They were
Lying naked
Under the tree
Ocean sang his song
To the falling Sun
The wind blew
And a fruit
Came down
Right between them.
For you, she said,
I've never liked apples
He asked 
He didn't study much biology
She knew
Her Mother/Father were smiling
She stood up
Put on her pink dress
Said, I need
To go water the garden
He said, wait
And fixed the label on the back of her dress
Noticed strange symbols on it
She said, it means
"Dharma trading"
Smiled at him

And they have lived
Happily thereafter
Like before and ever

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I am just your echo.

One day God came out
On his porch
And because of his loneliness
Or boredom
Loudly yelled AU

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

First Three Chakras, a Foundation for Successful Spiritual Development.

  The first three chakras are called the "Lower triangle" and they are particularly important for the good health and well being. A healthy and strong "Lower Triangle" is a must not only for a good health, but as a foundation for successful spiritual development. As a house is build starting with the foundation, building of energy bodies starts with lower chakras. The first or Root chakra is associated with physical health, survival and emotion of fear. Through this chakra we connect to the Earth and exchange energy. If a person has a physical disease, likely there's a block or disharmony in the first chakra. After that chakra is cleared, and a proper connection with the Earth is established, energy begins to run properly which assists with healing. The second or Sacral chakra is associated with emotions, creativity and material wealth, so clearing and strengthening this chakra will help a person better deal with emotions and support creativity and abundance. The third, or Solar plexus chakra is related to our will and personal power and mental activity. Work with this chakra will help you to relieve stress, release whatever prevents you from achieving what you want in life. Here is a simple technique "Clearing and Strengthening of "The Lower Triangle". This technique helps with grounding as well.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Angelic Meditation.

Listening now "Angel Therapy Meditations - Doreen Virtue Ph. D. I love Doreen! I remember seeing her at Mind Body Spirit Expo in NJ. She signed for me her book ("Angel Therapy", which is Angelic channeling). We looked at each other, and for a couple of seconds, I felt that I am at Home. I saw so much Love, Balance, Peace and Joy in her eyes.  Humans have forgotten about Angels, so she brought them back to Earth. She says, that Angels are gift from the Creator, and by enjoying this gift, we giving thanks to the Highest.  Ask Angels can help you with ANYTHING. Just ask, and it's given.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Goddess Aizen

(C) Mayumi Oda
  I have many aliases: my Russian names, surnames, my father's, husband's name, etc. And all these names were all over my papers and none of them fit me very well, so finally I decided to change it into one coherent name. In Russia, middle name of men and women is the first name of their father. So my middle name was "Vladimir", which is quite strange for americans, so I decided to get myself a new, more feminine middle name. And my husband helped me to find it. He gave me a present, a book by Mayumi Oda "GODDESSES". I thought, I am sure I'll find my name here! Slowly I was reading the book. It's is Mayumi Oda's story and besides that there're beautiful illustrations - "woodblocks of treasure". She writes, that in Japanese Buddhist tradition there are so few female images of deities, and that she was wondering what they would look like? Being a great artist, know as "Matisse of Japan", she started to explore, and created 33 Goddesses. I would look at every illustration and see what, or rather who, fits me? Toward the end of the book I was almost desperate, but when I turned to the last page and saw a beautiful red goddess, I immediately knew. The description said:

Goddess of Love
Aizen Myoo, Rangaraja, is a God of penetrating love, and is always depicted as an angry figure. His anger reminds us of the power to transform desire and passion into compassion. My Goddess of Love is the inspiration of love itself.

I studied Buddhism and I know a little about symbolism, but I needed to know more about the stuff Aizen is holding, so I looked through Robert Beer "Tibetan Buddhist Symbols Knowledge Cards. I Learned a lot (and re-wrote a little ;)):

The Lotus (Sanskrit padma, kamala, utpala). It' is a major Buddhist symbol of purity and Divine Birth. It represents the blossoming of all virtuous activities, and freedom from karma (cyclic existence). "The lotus seats upon which deities sit or stand symbolizes their Divine Origin an innate perfection of their body, speech and mind. There are different color lotuses and they have different meanings.

The Vajra (Tibetan dorje) and The Bell. "The vajra represents the male aspect of method of skillful means, the bell the female aspect of Wisdom and Awareness. Together they embody the perfect union of Compassion and Wisdom. 

The Flower Bow (Sanskrit pushpadhanus) and Flower Arrow (Sanskrit pushpasara). Arrows fashioned from white lotus, red ashoka (Divine herb for removing grief), mango flowers, white jasmine and blue lotus flowers. The Bow is made from nectar-laden red utpala lotus flowers and leaves. Together they mean awareness and wisdom.

There is one more symbol - an apple, the description of which I couldn't find in Buddhist sources. I am from the East, from Blessed Kazakhstan, the place where apples originated, so I thought, I should know. The apple is a symbol of Teaching and Learning.

I like my name. And I a very thankful to Mayumi Oda.