Monday, April 26, 2010

Organic Food and Health.

The abbreviation for the Standard American Diet is SAD and, as I learned from my own experience, it is SAD indeed. Growing up in USSR I was eating organic foods. Not because it was hip, but because there was no money for pesticides. I ate simple food, never drank soft drinks (we didn't have them), and never ate in a fast food places (we didn't have those either) -- and I was pretty healthy. After I moved to the US and started to eat what Americans are eating, I very quickly became sick. I gained weight, had little energy and started to have severe nosebleeds. Among the health professionals I went to was a nutritionist, Michele Wilbur from "The Green Cuisine". She encouraged me to seek out organic foods. As I changed my diet, I quickly became well again.

The scariest part of all of this is the idea that food which is supposed to nourish the body, actually can hurt. We may not see immediate consequences of eating non-organic foods, but in the long run it may contribute to dis-ease. In her book "Light Emerging" Barbara Brennan explains the process:

"The life energy in food is decreased by pollution. Because of the chemical poisoning of the soil, the plants themselves do not produce foods with high enough pulsatory rates to keep the human body healthy. Pulse rates of food intake must be within the range of organ life pulses, or they will drag the organ pulses down and the organ will eventually become unhealthy. {...}
Remember, the earth as a whole has its own life pulses. One of these is a pulsation of the earth magnetic field. It pulses eight time per second or 8Hz. Since we have physically evolved within that magnetic pulse, it is very good for us. Before it was contaminated, our soil carried the healthy pulsations of the earth. The natural food we ate was healthy because it was synchronized with each the earth pulsation. Now when we eat a carrot grown in poisoned and polluted soil, the carrot does not enter into the body with the same vibrational energy as a healthy carrot grown in healthy earth-synchronized soil. Many times such a carrot is poison to us, and we are better off not eating it."