In these changing times there is a lot of help available from Ascending Masters. Under the Law of Grace they help us to move forward. This is Master Djwhal Khul who assists will elimination of fear. I read that a human being is born only with two fears: fear of heights and of a loud noise. All other fears are taught to us. If you are ready to let go of fears, just ask this Master.
DJWHAL KHUL (sometimes known as the Tibetan) Ascended Master of the 2nd Ray. The Divine Master of the Inner Plane Ashrams.
Dispensations: The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program (This program is a forty foot high lattice work shield of light and protection that the Divine Masters anchor over your body so they can draw out of your being anything that is stopping you from achieving your highest divine potential). The 2nd Ray Light Quotient Building Program (this program acts like a drip systems that when you ask for this at night time or during the day the masters drip pure light into your entire being)
Prayers for Dispensations:
Mighty I AM I call forth by the grace of God Djwhal Khul for anchoring and activation of the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and I ask that I am permanently placed on this program from now until I fully ascend. SO IT IS DONE. x 3 times
from The Healing Sphere Blog