First, I will explain how to connect to each Angel. Simply feel your heart, feel the Light in it. Then send a heartlink from your heart through your crown chakra to an Angel's heart and ask him or her to help you for your highest good.
The main Angel in this group is Angel Ariel. She can be helpful if you feel stuck or lost in life, help you to start living the next chapter in the book of your soul. She can help clear Soul Star (8th chakra) and Soul Seat (energy center located 1-2 inches under the place where clavicles meet) to help you to remember your life's purpose. She also helps with grounding (1st chakra). Ariel is like a conductor, she can help to direct your healing session, and connect you to other IET Angels. For example, you are ready to release a fearful patterns, but consciously you are not aware of it, if you ask Ariel for help, she will connect you with Archangel Michael and he will help. The quickest way to do it is to put a top of your middle finger and thumb together. It is called a "heartlink" from your heart to Angel's heart. You can also use prayers of Invitation to each specific Angels in this group.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Ariel, please accept my heartlink invitation and join your energy with mine. Grant me the power of a flower, that I may start dormant, knowing my true purpose, bringing forth life energy, following my inner guidance, and despite outward obstacles, bloom to my fullest glory, independent of whether or not I'm seen or even appreciated by others.
Angel Celestina. Her healing gift is creative self-expression, she can help you to bring your creative gifts into the world. When you invite her to help, you will be guaranteed that there will be others who will accept your gifts, because once you have decided to express your creativity, God had already created those who would not only accept it, but also delight in it. Angel Celestina helped me a lot. For many years I have been painting, but I couldn't find my own style. It was quite frustrating. But after I asked Angel Celestina for help, my style emerged almost immediately.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Celestina, please accept my heartlink invitation and join my energy with mine. Bringing me the gift of creative expression. Please help me see the wonderful work of God's art that I am, and give me the confidence to display the masterpiece of my life in the world in service to others. Help me when I feel threatened, especially when I feel threatened by my own creative magnificence.
Angel Michael. He's known as a protector. When invited, he helps us clear fear, especially fear of living our life's mission. Since the vast majority of what we fear is what we create through our thoughts, Angel Michael's main job is to protect us from ourselves. As Angel Sarah opens a door, Angel Michael can help you master your fears and move through the door. He is helpful when you are making a change in your life - especially when you are closing one door and opening another. His energy is very healing in times of deep fear which can be experienced as panic or anxiety attacks.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Michael, please accept my heartlink invitation and join your energy with mine. Please protect me in all ways and at all times. Please illuminate my fear with the light of your Divine love and let me live in the safety of your grace.
Angel Faith. Her healing gift is faith and the freedom it brings. She can help you to clear out all "shoulds" and "should-nots." We can become free when we stop looking to others for approval and start looking upward and inward. She is especially helpful in situations where codependency is present.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Faith, please accept my heartlink invitation and join your energy with mine. Bless me with the gift of your presence and help me to be truly free. Unlock the prison of human opinion that I have placed myself in. Teach me to find and follow my inner Divine acceptance. Restore my faith.
Angel Gabriel. His healing gift is Divine direction. By helping clear uncertainty and distrust he can help you to determine the direction to walk. When you ask for his help, he can clear blockages from the "third eye" chakra. His energy is especially helpful for people who are stuck at one of life's crossroads, unable to make a decision, or confused as to which way to turn in life.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Gabriel, please accept my heartlink invitation and join your energy with mine. Bring me the gift of your Divine direction. Help me see through the barriers of my confusion. Let me see clearly the path that God has laid out for me.
Angel Sarah. Sarah helps us to clear powerlessness, her healing gift is empowerment. She is like a spiritual bulldozer who can open closed doors as well as closed minds. She helps us dare to take the steps necessary to fulfill our life's destiny and live our soul's mission in the world. Her healing gift is especially powerful when you are afraid to take the steps you know you need to take.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Sarah, please accept my heartlink invitation and join your energy with mine. Help me dare to claim my power and move forward into my joy. Please push me, guide me, and compel me to take the actions that I fear taking. Please open the doorways to my destiny, as you bring me all of the people, places, settings, and situations I need for me to shine in my life.
Angel Raphael. His healing gift is Divine Illumination. He helps to clear out the 7th chakra, clear our illusion of separation. His energy is especially powerful in clearing the energy of guilt and our perception of sin as he restores us to our original state of innocence. He can help in a situation when a person has lost hope, feels abandoned, feels alone, or is struggling to find God.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Raphael, please accept my heartlink invitation and join your energy with mine. Bring me the blessing of your presence to clear my illusion. Help me to release my guilt and remember my innocence. Build the bridge that will end my illusion of separation and more fully connect me with God once again. Remind me of my true identity.
Angel Daniel. He is the Angel of forgiveness who helps us clear judgements from self and others. His gift is especially useful for people who hold grudges, grievances, and hatred, who feel bitterness and anger over past wrongs, and who can't seem to let go of what happened. Angel Daniel's gift is very effective for people who have been victimized.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Daniel, please accept my heartlink invitation and join your energy with mine. Shine the light of your grace on my judgement. Reveal the truth so that I might see with the eyes of an angel the love at work even in my times of darkness. Help me exist in a state of forgiveness, free of judgement, where I will be clear, open and pure.
Angel Cassiel. Angel Cassiel's healing gift is unconditional love, she helps us clear heartache and betrayal, even betrayal form past lives. Her healing powers are effective in clearing the heart chakra. She also helps children who were separated from their parents and people with ADD.
Prayer of Invitation
Angel Cassiel, please accept my heartlink invitation and join your energy with mine. Heal my heart of its wounds. Fill my heart with love and teach me to trust in love again. Protect me from those who would betray my love, and help me respect and honor the love I receive from others. Help me see that I am love incarnate looking for love. Please help me find it.
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