Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Laws That Govern Everything (Channeling Part 4)

19. Do Not Fight, Especially With Yourself". The part "do not fight" it is understandable. Do not fight with yourself basically means if something doesn't feel good, do not do it. We can feel what is good for us and what is bad. True soul purpose brings joy, so the word "Job" can be read as "Joy of Being".  

20. Do Not Forget Yourself And Another. The Law about egoism, as well as disbalance in opposite direction - giving too much of yourself, not nurturing yourself.

21. Love Yourself Like You Love Another. This Law helps with peace in relationship, society, and inner peace. When someone acts not in a kind way to you, there is a Law "Protect Yourself If Your Heart Tells You To". There also a Law "Everything Is Always Happens for the Highest Good Of All". If you see a reason why this person did what he did, then it is easier do not react negatively. Forgiveness is healing. Forgive yourself, another, and ask for forgiveness.

22. Ask For Help And It Is Given.

23. What Is Min Is Yours.

24. You Are Not Alone. 

25. If You Are Unhappy You will Get As You Love.

26. If You Stole You Will Get From Love.