I realized that the Laws are numbered and support each other, but, because I am simply a channeler, I am not exactly sure about the correct order, but I am not alone, and maybe those who learned about The Laws That Govern Everything already, can help me and give me the list of 65 of them in correct order. You can leave a comment here, under this post, or view the Laws that I channeled on a different blog Cosmic-Laws and leave a comment there.
Love and Gratitude,
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Sunday, June 16, 2019
The Laws That Govern Everything (Channeling Part 4)
19. Do Not Fight, Especially With Yourself". The part "do not fight" it is understandable. Do not fight with yourself basically means if something doesn't feel good, do not do it. We can feel what is good for us and what is bad. True soul purpose brings joy, so the word "Job" can be read as "Joy of Being".
20. Do Not Forget Yourself And Another. The Law about egoism, as well as disbalance in opposite direction - giving too much of yourself, not nurturing yourself.
21. Love Yourself Like You Love Another. This Law helps with peace in relationship, society, and inner peace. When someone acts not in a kind way to you, there is a Law "Protect Yourself If Your Heart Tells You To". There also a Law "Everything Is Always Happens for the Highest Good Of All". If you see a reason why this person did what he did, then it is easier do not react negatively. Forgiveness is healing. Forgive yourself, another, and ask for forgiveness.
22. Ask For Help And It Is Given.
23. What Is Min Is Yours.
24. You Are Not Alone.
25. If You Are Unhappy You will Get As You Love.
26. If You Stole You Will Get From Love.
22. Ask For Help And It Is Given.
23. What Is Min Is Yours.
24. You Are Not Alone.
25. If You Are Unhappy You will Get As You Love.
26. If You Stole You Will Get From Love.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Laws That Govern Everything (Channeling Part 3)
11. Do not steal especially from yourself. The first part "Do not steal", is quite understandable, we have prisons in our society. Do not steal from yourself, means, do not forget yourself, do not forget your soul's purpose, your talent. The Source made us and we continue life in our own way. Each one of us is different, and we build the society like ants build an anthill: one ant will bring a stick, other ant another stick, another a drop of water on a leaf to drink, and little by little the anthill is built. The ant who brought a stick is interested in that, and not in bringing a drop of water. Every one of us has a talent, and living this talent he or she helps to build a society, continues life. This Law also talk about jealousy. There is "white jealousy" and "black jealousy". "Black jealousy" is when a person observing other's success feels negative, jealous, he, at this moment forgets his own talents. This leads to nowhere. "White jealousy", on the other hand, is when a person or his actions are inspiring to another. The Russian word for jealousy is "zavist", it has a word "vista", "alley" in it, which shows the word meaning clearly - a path. You can be inspired by another person's success, and think, how can I achieve my own goals, which way?
12. Do not assume, know. Every one of us know thyself, we live our lives, we think our thoughts, we communicate with other and that helps us to learn more about ourselves. There are also spiritual paths, which can help one to learn himself even deeper. But another person, is another person, and assuming will not bring truth. The simple way is communication, you can ask him questions and learn. There is also trust that another can do for himself. Sometimes an overbearing parent is not trusting, sometimes one person thinks that he knows more, and it will serve another, but in truth, respect, trust, is the way.
13. Life continues and continues. There is a word "Eternity". Life continues in many ways, forms Lawfully. On Earth we know the concept of "death". In many cultures and religions over the centuries it was understood differently. For example, in Christianity there is a belief that after death of a physical body the person's soul goes to Heaven. There was no knowledge about the Source who created us and that after death the soul goes there. In Russia, during Soviet times there was no belief even in Heaven, meaning, when a person died, it was believed that he or she was gone forever. But in truth, Life continues, and death is an illusion, because, the soul keeps living - after going to the Source and spending some time there, the new baby will be born somewhere on a planet according to the Divine Order.
14. Protect yourself if your heart tells you to. The Source gave you life and it is logical to protect yourself if there is danger. The word "bravery " comes to mind, which is absence of fear. It makes sense to fearlessly protect yourself, so Life can be continued. Another aspect is being afraid to harm another, even if he threatens you. But, protecting his life is his business, protecting your life is yours.
15. All secret always becomes known. Lies created out fears do not live for long. Truth, on the other hand, is straight and powerful, like mighty river it moves forward. When something is hidden, it's being made out by the Source energy and known by it, becomes known.
16. Past is past. When something happens, it very quickly becomes past. Life does not stay in one place, it moves. Every experience changes us. Holding on to the past may prevent living happily in the present moment. Negative experiences may keep a person living in the past. If a person thinks about past hurt, he is not living in the present moment. Therapy, spiritual path, forgiveness can help. When truth about your own actions, or another person's action becomes known, forgiveness is possible, and past negativity, attachments are released.
17. There is always enough of everything and there will be more. When you want something wholeheartedly, All (you included) helps you to get it.
18. Live by your heart. There is a concept of an ego, meaning, the energy of past negative experiences are holding you back. For example a fight with your mother years ago, when a person couldn't understand why was she acting in this way - being mean, abusive, negative energy of this experience is stuck in person's energy fields, even in the present. What may happen next, for example, a neighbor of this person can provoke a fight. It will add to the negativity. Past is past, thus negativity is simply an illusion, but if its energy imprints are closing one's heart, this person's life will be filled with negativity. In esoterics, living by your heart means energy fields are cleared from negativity, so nothing is closing the heart and the exchange of Light (from a person to to All) happens easily. There is a word "enlightenment" en-light-ement. The Source, constantly is filling a person with Love-Light, so the person is growing. We eat, so the Earth's energy helps to build a physical body. Living life helps us to become wiser. Living in negativity creates unease and interrupts the natural way of life. Negativity feels bad, and it is only natural to find a way out of it. Each of us is an individual, and The Source will help to find a way. The solution to this might be a spiritual path, which encourages one to look inside yourself, as well as therapy, healing (so another may help), prayer, etc.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Laws That Govern Everything (Channeling Part 2)
7. Be Decent. From the first glance, the Law means be good, well behaved. But it also means do not kill. A person, who has already become a human being, simply does not want to kill anyone, for him or her it is a norm. If there is a wish to kill, the Source will simply teach this person - on his own holy body - meaning, if now he does not understand that to kill someone is bad, he will end up in a situation where he will be killed, to learn that it is bad. And the Source will help as many times as it will take, meaning the person will be killed, killed, until he will understand, or not. If something is trying to kill Life, there will be adjustments made immediately.
8. Do Not Dig a Hole for Another, You Will Fall in It Yourself. The meaning of this Law is similar to the Law "Be Decent", it is about continuation of Life and learning about not inflicting pain, suffering, death on another. Natural Way of Life is its continuation, not its reduction.
8. Something was done, something will be done. Every action or non-action leads to another action. Life continues.
9. You get as you love. All is made out of Love, when we love, we continue life, when we don't, negativity is created in many forms. For example, fear of surviving can keep a person on a job he does not like, negative emotions will arise out it and make a person unhappy. If you gradually add water to a glass, there will be more water. Living in negativity will pile up more negativity. It is not exactly Life, it is a diversion from the path of happiness into learning more. Where will I be happier, what should I do? Finding ways of living in Love, do what you love, be with a person whom you truly love, etc. will create more Love and the Source always helps with that.
10. Do not be a master in someone else's house. We all are individuals, and we know about ourselves the best, like no one else. When someone tries to manipulate you, it feels bad, because it is unnatural and goes against the Laws. It tells us that respect for another's life, opinion, house, etc. is a norm.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
The Laws That Govern Everything (Channeling Part 1)
If to look into the starry sky, it is possible to sense peace, order, and Eternity. We all, consciously or subconsciously know that everything lives according to the Laws That Govern Everything. I channeled some of them, the Laws That Govern Everything (I believe that there are more than 60 of them). I think very soon we will be able to read them all - the Laws in their entirety will come on Earth in Divine Timing. But it is one thing to read them, and another to live them. Thus Truth is created.
1. All is One Love. Love is eternal, everything is connected, everything is made out of Love. The Source itself is made out of Love, so he creates out of Love, and then, for example, here on Earth, we continue creation, a painting, a house, a garden, all still Love. Everything is made out of Love. How is the Source created? When Twin Flames make love (notice, in the English language it is literal "make love") the energy goes into the Creation: it may uplift someone on another planet, or become a part of a new Source. There was time when our planet was not here yet. Then God Oaim and his wife made love and a part of The Source was created, then different cosmic structures were created including a nimibula which then, after a billion of years became a solid planet, our planet. The Sacred Geometry structure which we call Metatron's cube helped to form the nimibula into the solid planet.
The Laws have many deep meanings. For example, this Law can help you with your relationship with your parents. If you had a good relationship with your parents, so All is One Love sounds good. But, if not? If you were abused, neglected, unwanted? So, what about this Law? Being born Russian, and speaking the language, I understood it quite well. In the Russian language, you can say "Be respectful for your parents", but it literally means "Read them, as if you will read a book", meaning, they did good, it's good! I can follow their example, continue, share, what they taught me. But, if some negativity was in a relationship, then, after you read this "book", you understood that it was not right and simply do not continue it. When understanding of their path happens, forgiveness becomes possible.
2. Everything is Always Happens for the Highest Good of All. We can see it clearly - Life is alive, and it continues and continues. All Creation, its big part (fro example a planet), or a smaller part (a tree, human) support each other.
3. Do not wish for another man's wife, you have your own. When the Source creates an angel, and we all, who live, or lived on Earth were angels, He creates them by two - him and her. In Esoteric Teachings it's calls it a Twin Flame. So two angels are created and afterwards they, via the fields in between the planets, fly to an angelic planet, where only angels live. There they learn about life on different planets, then they fly to a planet where their Divine parents live. They are older and wiser, so angels lives with them in love and study further. In Divine timing, Twin Flames still in soul form fly to an another planet and live there in stone. These are what we call Natures Spirits - Feries and Elves. They work together with the Planet, helping plants, insect, animal kingdoms, and learning more. Because they are in spirit form, do not have physical bodies yet, many humans simply do not see them. Then, they born further into The Leader of Creation: from an insect, to a bird, a small animal, a large animals, and then they are born as a babies, become human. After years of life, when Twin Flames lived as The Source needs, they become "god" and "goddess", meaning, they will not incarnate as a child any longer, and simply will fly from planet to planet on a star ship. My personal understanding about the last part is that two things are quite important: understanding of Life, meaning wisdom that was gained during incarnations, and a wish to be with your Twin Flame, because these two things are quite important in continuing Life in a certain way.
4. Do Not Wish for Another Wife's Husband, You Have Your Own. When I learned about Twin Flames, I was fascinated - The Source who made worlds, planets, stars, universes, made me my husband. I immediately wanted to meet him, but I didn't know who is he. But from the esoterics topics about Twin Flame I learned that to want to be with yours it the firsts step, and the Source, who intended us for each other, will bring as together. I simply need to live my live. I have been following a spiritual path - working with Angelic realm, meditating and doing gi gong, etc. What put me on the spiritual path, was simply a question "Who am I?" Where I cam from, who made my Soul? The Source responded by giving me spiritual practices I mentioned above. They give me a chance to learn more and more about myself. I would look at some negativity in me, learn where does it come from, I would understand my behavior in the certain situation and find a better way, of dealing with something, meaning, walking my spiritual path I have becoming wiser. When I was working with myself, my Twin Flame, whom I didn't know yet, felt it and was progressing on his spiritual path. Also we were walking toward ourselves, we were walking toward each other.
5. Husband and Wife are One. The understanding about Twin Flames just recently came into our society, and it is not quite well known yet. But this relationship are not only loving, but harmonious, balanced and joyous. There no need to date or live with other, not your delineated Twin Flame.
6. Do not lie, especially to yourself. The first part of the Law is quite understandable, we growing up knowing that lying is bad. It is a distortion of the truth and violation of the Laws. When we know the Laws and live live accordingly, we simply follow our Divine plan. Lying is fear and it takes one from the proper path. The second part of the Law means, know thyself (and on our planet there are many spiritual paths that can help, as well, as simply life itself.) It also means, learn about your talent and live it, continuing Life.
7. Be Decent. From the first glance, the Law mean be good, well behaved. But it also means do not kill. A normal person, who already became a human being, simply does not want to kill anyone, for him or her it is a norm. If there is a wish to kill, the Source will simply teach this person - on his own holy body - meaning, if now he does not understand that to kill someone is bad, he will end up in a situation where he will be killed, to learn that it is bad. And the Source will help as many times as will it take, meaning the person will be killed until he will understand, or not. if something is trying to kill Life, there will be adjustments made immediately.
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